正陽門城樓 | 正阳门城楼 | Zhengyangmen Gate Tower
(english description at the bottom)
正陽門箭樓在1900年義和團拳民焚燒前門外大柵欄時被飛濺火星引燃燒毀,城樓在當年冬天被生火取暖的印度士兵不慎燒毀,不久後均重建。為改善交通,正陽門瓮城在1915年被北洋政府內務總長朱啟鈐拆除。1965年經周恩來批示,正陽門城樓和箭樓得以保留。(摘自: 維基百科 [zh.wikipedia.org])
- Extra Landscaping Tools
- Sharp Junction Angles
12×8 等級5特殊建築 | Tris: 8660 |
費用: 45000 | maps: 2048×2048 (d,a,n) |
維修費: 800 /週 | LOD tris: 130 |
水: 0 立方公尺/週 | LOD maps: 256×256 (d,a) |
電: 320 千瓦 |
位于北京内城南垣正中。明永乐十七年修筑,原沿用元大都城南面正中城门之名 – 丽正门,正统时改为现名。俗称「前门」。正阳门城楼位于高13.2米的城台上,楼高两层、27.76米,面阔七间(41米),进深三间(21米),为重檐歇山顶,灰筒瓦绿琉璃剪边。城台正中辟有券门,门内设千斤闸。箭楼与城楼之间为瓮城,宽108米,深85米,东西设有两座闸楼,于闸楼下开券门,门内也有千斤闸。平时箭楼及东闸楼下的城门关闭,出入百姓绕行西门楼下券门。
正阳门箭楼在1900年义和团拳民焚烧前门外大栅栏时被飞溅火星引燃烧毁,城楼在当年冬天被生火取暖的印度士兵不慎烧毁,不久后均重建。为改善交通,正阳门瓮城在1915年被北洋政府内务总长朱启钤拆除。1965年经周恩来批示,正阳门城楼和箭楼得以保留。(摘自: 维基百科 [zh.wikipedia.org])
- Extra Landscaping Tools
- Sharp Junction Angles
12×8 等级5特殊建筑 | Tris: 8660 |
费用: 45000 | maps: 2048×2048 (d,a,n) |
维修费: 800 /周 | LOD tris: 130 |
水: 0 立方公尺/周 | LOD maps: 256×256 (d,a) |
电: 320 千瓦 |
Zhengyangmen is located at the centre of the southern wall of the Inner city and was built in 1419. Originally called Lizhengmen, the name was changed during the Zhengtong era (1435–1449), commonly known as “Qianmen”
Its gate tower was located on a platform atop the city wall at a height of 13.2 metres. The overall height was 27.76 metres. The gate had rooms on two levels, with seven exterior rooms 41 metres wide and three interior rooms 21 metres wide. It was constructed in the triple-eaved Xieshanding style, with green glazed tiles. The archery tower and gate tower were connected with thick brick walls to form the Zhengyangmen barbican, 108 metres wide and 85 metres deep. The eastern and western ends had side gates with arches fitted with thousand-jin (approximately 500 kilograms) locks. Normally the archery tower gate and the eastern side gate were closed; commoners used the arch underneath the western side gate.
The archery tower at Zhengyangmen was damaged by fire in 1900 during the Boxer Rebellion. The gate tower was burned down by Indian soldiers. Both were reconstructed in the latter years of the Qing dynasty. In 1915, Internal Affairs minister Zhu Qiqian ordered the barbican dismantled to ease traffic congestion. The watchtower and gate tower were saved from demolition in 1965 on the orders of then premier Zhou Enlai. (from wikipedia [en.wikipedia.org])
Please flatten the terrain before placing. For simple placement, asset must be placed at roadside. The road can be removed later.
I recommand using the following Mods:
- Extra Landscaping Tools
- Sharp Junction Angles
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model infos:
12×8 Unique building Lv 5 | Tris: 8660 |
cost: 45000 | maps: 2048×2048 (d,a,n) |
upkeep: 800 /week | LOD tris: 130 |
water: 0 /week | LOD maps: 256×256 (d,a) |
electricity: 320 KW |
Tags: chinese architecture, city wall, fortification, Beijing, Peking, China, 北京, 中國傳統建築, 中国传统建筑, 中式, 城牆, 城門, 城墙, 城门
by Emperor Li