113th street apartments (High res growable)
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 4×3 high res lvl 4 growable.
About the model
These are some typical New York type apartments. Hope you like them as a filler in your cities. ? I still needed some more filler buildings in my cities so I decided to create some more. More buildings like these will follow. You can always follow my assetcreations on the Simtropolis forums: or on sketchfab:
This model has about 2425 tris and a 2048×512 texture, with a diffuse, shadow, normal, illumination, color and specularmap.This model has a custom LoD, which is about 151 tris with a 512×128 texture, with a diffuse, specular, color and illumination map.
About the building
This is based of a regular apartment building at 526 W 113th St, close to the Columbia University. There’s not much history to it.