12×8, A* Police Helicopter Depot
A-star Services will help to make your city better!
Helicopter capacity: 12
Upkeep: 3,600 / week
Cost: 160,000
Smaller size (14×8–>12×8)
Water: 15
Electricity: 80
Sewage: 15
Garbage: 15
Uneducated: 20
Educated: 50
Well Educated: 100
Highly Educated: 100
DLC required: ‘Natural Disasters’
—-Description of the original Police Helicopter Depot—-
“Police helicopters reside at the Police Helicopter Depot. The
depot sends out helicopters to patrol the city. Patrolling helps
lower the crime rate. At the end of a shift, helicopters return
to the depot.”
<<A* Services / エイスター・サーヴィス>>
A* Elementary School –5×4
A* Elementary School ii –4×4
A* High School –8×10
A* University –14×8
A* Faculty –3×4
*桜賀* Elementary School –5×4
*桜賀* Elementary School ii –4×4
*桜賀* High School –8×10
*桜賀* University –14×8
A* Medical Clinic –5×4
A* Hospital –10×8
A* Medical Heliport –12×8
3×4, A* Medical Helipad
A* Medical Laboratory –10×5
A* Cemetery –10×8
A* Crematorium –2×3
A* Cryopreservatory –4×4
A* Police Station –4×3
A* Police Station ii –4×3
12×8, A* Police Helicopter Depot
3×4, A* Helipad for Police
A* Prison –13×8
A* Intelligence Agency –10×8
A* Fire House –4×3
A* Fire House ii –4×3
A* Fire Helicopter Depot –8×11
3×4, A* Helipad for Fire Service
10×8, A* Disaster Response Unit
5×4, A* Disaster Response Team
A* Emergency Shelter –4×4 (for 4,000 people)
A* Emergency Shelter ii –4×6 (for 6,000 people)
A* Emergency Shelter iii –4×8 (for 12,000 people)
A* Metro Station –2×2
A* Goods Station –16×6 (Cargo Train Station, or Freight Station)
A* Goods Station ii –16×6 (Cargo Train Station, or Freight Station)
13×8, A* Geothermal Heating Plant –13×8
A* Pumping Service –4×4
A* Coal Power Plant –4×4
A* Solar Power Plant –8×8
A* Solar Power Plant ii –4×4
A* Nuclear Power Plant –14×8
A* Wave Power Plant –9×4
A* Wind Turbine –3×3
A* Incineration Plant –4×4