16 Lane Super Wide Road With Parking
Too much traffic, need even more lanes?
Well now you can have 16 of them. 8 Lanes each way with parking spaces too.
This road is so wide that you will get visual bugs if you try and connect roads at anything other than close to right angles.
There are no custom bridges or tunnels in this road, if you build them they will be the normal 6 lane road!
Warning this road has some visual bugs!
The reason that it has visual bug is that the devs never really planned for roads this wide when the made the road tool.
Can you make a version with bus/tram/monrail/trees/banana lanes???
Yes i could but I’m not going to becuase of the visual glitches I will instead be working on a smaller road (12 lanes) that doesn’t have any glitches.
Sometimes the centre lane arrow doesn’t appear?
This is due to the Traffic Manager President Mod. If it’s disabled then the arrows always show up as usual. Maybe the mod will be updated to fix this if roads this large get more popular.
Why haven’t you made proper bridges and tunnels?
Becuase of the visual glitches see above question.
If it is incomplete and buggy then why release it?
Becuase its fun to see a road so wide and it seems unfair to keep this creation to myself.
Some of the screenshots have custom traffic lights?
They are from a Mod I haven’t released.