2 Long Blocks
2 Long Blocks (2LB) by Pat McGroin
I now use these blocks to build all of my districts in a city of 360k.
2LB can be joined together directly on the ends with no overlap and perfect 8 block spacing on the ends of your block.
When joining side to side, align and space the walkways so that they align but do not touch or overlap or else the created block will only have 7 blocks on that joined side due to the 1 block overlap of the pathways.
Using Network Extensions is useful for creating highways that allow for more controlled traffic flow, such as allowing for a 5 lane hwy to have a 2 car exit to the zone, a 3 lane bypass and a 2 lane exit form the zone. Traffic Manager++ or one of the mods supporting traffic lights can be used to remove the 3 traffic lights per 2LB.