2000 Chevrolet Blazer TrailBlazer (v1.1)
Has a custom LOD model.
Name: Chevrolet Blazer TrailBlazer
Top Speed: 150 km/h (30 in the editor)
Colors: yes
Transparent windows: yes
Class: Residential
Mesh: 1529 tris
Textures: 512 x 512 px
Mesh: 348 tris
Textures: 256 x 256 px
The model is a straight conversion from 4×4 Evolution by Terminal Reality. The game was published in the year 2000 and is availalbe for free nowadays on dozens of abandonware sites.
I slightly edited the mesh, added additional texture maps and converted the whole thing to Cities: Skylines.
v1.1: made 10% bigger, fixed colormap, corrected lights position