2008 Gillig Phantom 35′ Bus
The 35′ (10.5meters) Gillig high floor bus has been around for quite a while. With the increasing popularity of the low floor buses, it is slowly losing its grip on the market. However, many agencies still have it, knowing it to be a reliable workhorse of their fleet.
Test them out as a Patron! Release planned mid June
2332 Tris
1024 x 1024 Texture
Trim: High Floor 35′ Bus
Original model[3dwarehouse.sketchup.com] by Joseph Briggs on Google Sketchup, Reduced polys from 3175 (Sketchup has it wrong) to 2332. Retextured, remapped, and converted for Cities Skylines.
Stats are the same as the default bus. This bus is also similar enough to the Neoplan Transliner and the NewFlyer LF40 so I will not be making these.