2010 Dodge Grand Caravan Coroner
Let’s be honest here, who likes to be transported in a Chevrolet Express? The design hasn’t changed since the 1990s. If you’re a corpse, you probably want to leave the world in style too. Let the Dodge Grand Caravan (probably never used in real life as a coroner) come to the rescue. In Cities Skylines we want our deceased to enjoy their trip to the morgue and we’ll deliver them there in this excellent American van.
Other versions will be made and released in a few days. Patrons have early access to the fire van, industrial, paratransit, US Mail, and police version.
2980 Tris
1024 x 1024 Texture
Original model by xrw960h, optimized by NONE[3dwarehouse.sketchup.com]. Further optimized for Cities Skylines, including reduction of polygons to 2980, any further reduction severely impacts the light shape. Remapped, rextextured for civilian vehicle, added uber logo and changed color to medium gray for UBER. Converted to taxi.
Stats are same as the default hearse