2010 Dodge Grand Caravan Paratransit
A Bus is sometimes a bit too much if you’re only transporting a solo handicapped Cim. The Dodge Grand Caravan, featuring a rear wheelchair ramp, is suitable for your needs. Easier to outfit, it is cheaper for your paratransit services, and consequently better for your budget.
All Paratransit Vehicles to be released in the future (including Prius) will only be taxis.
3024 Tris
Textures 1024 x 1024
Original model by xrw960h, optimized by NONE[3dwarehouse.sketchup.com]. Further optimized for Cities Skylines, including reduction of polygons to 2980, any further reduction severely impacts the light shape. Remapped, rextextured for paratransit
All stats are the same as the default taxi.