2014 Dodge Ram 1500 Houston Police
To enforce commercial vehicle codes, you need to have a truck that means business. The Ram 1500 is used by the Houston Police to do that task. Although the real life one is in the older livery, for Skylines, following my uniform design for the Department, the vehicle is in the modern livery.
All other versions, including a Brush Truck with Utility Bed (Fire), Road maintenance with utility bed, Light Snowplow, etc are works in progress.
Civilian Version Here
2720 Tris
Textures 1024 x 1024
All stats are the same as the default police car
This vehicle set is sponsored by maximilian.
Optimized/derived from this model[3dwarehouse.sketchup.com] Added standardized lightbar from 2017 Explorer. Converted for Skylines.