2016 Chevrolet Express Hotel Shuttle
Cims travelling need something to take them to their hotels and back. Why not let Hilton and Marriott take care of it with an all inclusive Hotel Shuttle. Built on the Chevrolet Express Platform, it is guaranteed to take your Cims to the hotel and back effortlessly.
This is a BUS.
Service Vehicles (Coroner, Shuttles)
Emergency Vehicles (Police, Ambulance)
News Van Collection
2192 Tris
1024 x 1024 Texture
BUS CAPACITY: 30 passengers
Trim: Starcraft Starlite
Model From Forza Horizon, LOD4 Extracted by gamemodels.ru, Converted for Cities Skylines By Me, One more round of manual optimization created this model. Rear by DanDeKalb , retextured to look like a shuttlebus rear.
All stats are the same as the default bus.
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