2016 Gillig Advantage 40′ Low Floor Electric Trolleybus
Increase your city’s electric buses ridership through using the all electric Gillig Advantage Trolley-bus. Heavily modified from a normal low floor bus, this bus travels with zero emissions and runs completely on the wires.
This is a tram!
Test them out as a Patron! Release planned mid June
5551 Tris
1024 x 1024 Texture
Trim: Low Floor 40′ Electric Trolley Bus
Original model[3dwarehouse.sketchup.com] by Mike P. on Google Sketchup, Reduced polys from 11762 (Sketchup has it wrong) to 3531, added trolley components from outstanding gamer’s NewFlyer XT. Changed angle, however, the top may not be in contact with the wires. Retextured, remapped, and converted for Cities Skylines.
Stats are the same as the default tram (front portion only). This bus is also similar enough to the Neoplan Transliner Trolley and the NewFlyer LF40 Trolley so I will not be making these.
This tris count is high because of the trolley components.