2016 NewFlyer XD40
Originally devised by outstandinggamer, the NewFlyer XD40 is the one of the vehicles based on the Xcelsior platform, a modern adaptation to the classic American bus. This vehicle faithfully serves many cities across the country and is a common sight everywhere.
What is different between this and the original version?
It’s the same size as The MTA XD40, which is the real size. Also the illumination was corrected (turn signals, headlights all work now and are positioned correctly)
5177 Tris
1024 x 1024 Texture
Trim: Low Floor 40′ Bus
Model is unedited from outstanding gamer’s version. Just changed illumination, remapped a few bits to allow for glow in the dark sign.
Released with permission from original author.
Stats are the same as the default bus.