Crossing sandwiched station 168m long
“Distance too Short”と表示され設置できないことが発生しているみたいです。原因は不明
This asset unstable ploblem. It say “Distance too Short” and no placing. becareful.
Crossing sandwiched station 85m short のホームを限界まで延長した駅です。ホームのモデル自体は170mで作ってます。
This train station is extended model of Crossing sandwiched station 85m short.
It has 168m maxmam platform length.(it appearance 170m)
サブビルディング使用 保存時にやや不安定
It use sub building. and it has little unstable in save.
It has probrem in build prop illumination. So there is a part without illumination.
If you need illumination, please build prop yourself.
If you have problem this asset. please report.
It can stop
11 cars(16m car)– default train, NYC subway A division,
9 cars(18m car)– 京急(Keikyu), 京阪(keihan),阪神(hanshin), NYC subway B division,
8 cars(20m car)– Japanese JR and other(without Shinkansen), British commuter train, Korail, 台鉄(Taiwan), Russian Metro, Электричка(Russian commuter),
6 cars(~26m car)– EU and US typical cars, Russia railways, Chana railways and CRH, Shinkansen,Taiwan MRT, Singapore MRT,
M+6T+M(8cars)– TGV,
85m platform version.
–Crossing sandwiched station 85m short
How to make longer train station.{GUIDE}