Camping De La Sunshine with hotel by BumpaNiggl (updated, color corrected, working, ploppable, votes appreciated)
Camping De La Sunshine with hotel by Bumpa♥♥♥♥l (updated, color corrected, working, ploppable)
Camping lot held in an italian flair like you find them near Lake Garda or Venice.
Custom made by me as a tribute to my sunshine. :]
Double checked and placed ingame to make sure it works; and it does. ?
Description: This is part one of the two monument set. Held pretty basic since I had to cut back with the textures because of the size and amount of objects. Sadly I was not able to get the green darker via the image I was using even though I copied and pasted the color via a screenshot so I’d have the same color as ingame. :/ Also I had to remove some vertices of the entrance logo because the whole thing got too big and wouldn’t show up ingame anymore. For further information see screenshots up top.
Includes invisible parking marks and hangout zones.
Smoke coming from the grill at the “party plaza”.
For the camping lot extension (part two) please go here:
If you are interested in my asset collection then please go here:
Also you might wanna look at this; a custom created map:
Feel free to vote this up.
Enjoy. =]