12 Place Vendôme 2.0
This asset is an updated version of salutolive‘s ‘12 Place Vendome’ asset. Full credit goes to him for the original model creation. I am not planning on making similar buildings in the future.
Wall-to-wall building located on the Place Vendôme in Paris, France.
Level 3 High-density commercial building, 2×2 footprint.
- Tris count reduced from 1904 to 1494
- Filesize reduced from 15 to 3MB
- Added illumination map
- Added Custom LOD and LOD textures
- Diffuse texture: darkened and less saturated windows
Map theme: New Caledonia – LUT: Colorful Summer Day
Modelmain model
tris: 1494
textures: 1024×1024 (diffuse-normal-specular-color-illumination)
tris: 20
textures: 128×128 (diffuse-normal-specular-color-illumination)
- Move It!
- Plop the Growables
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Mind map of my stuff[www.mindmeister.com]
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