Welcome to Tuscany (Italy)
The map is based on a real landscape and is located near Empoli.
Most of the highway is an exact copy of the real highway(including the intersections) that runs along the hills and heads to the well known nearby cities like Firenze, Pisa and Livorno. the railway is also an almost exact copy of the one in reallife with a highspeed track and regional track. Most of the national roads are improvised.
the map is dressed with the typical cypress tree, olive tree and some trees that i thought it would fit the theme.
The reason why i chose this location is the opportunity to have a beautiful scenery of the hills with the rivers and the farms like they only have in Tuscany.
Basic Info:
-2 Highway connections
-2 nationalroad connections
-3 railway connections
-2 flightroutes
-no shipping routes
-3 rivers ( 1 big river, 2 small rivers)
-flatland in the startsquare
-ore (used for decorating the farms)
-fertile land (used for decoratinf the farms)
-no oil
-forrest (used for decorating hills and empty spaces)
If you liked what you have seen please give it a thumbs up thats very very much appreciated
if this is not a map for you, mabe take a look at my other map Rhône!
Thank you.