Aonei Bridge
Hi all! Welcome to my first asset!
Aonei Brigde is a custom bridge designed / modelled by myself. It was to be placed into my map of The Cove city, conneting an island to the mainland.
The bridge design aims at creating a curved long-span bridge to suit local topography. Cable Stayed design is chosen to allow the utilization of curve deck. The twin bridge towers rises at 230-meters tall, with blue link bridges in between, and are inclined against the deck to balance the weight out.
How to Use:
This bridge is an eye-candy – you get the tower, cable and deck, but no road path. You are free to assign any type of road on the deck as you see fit. The curved deck is a part of a circle, so normal curve tool should be good enough for laying roads above.
The bridge may be used as a module, meaning you can place a number of towers next to each other to compose a larger bridge. You may take reference from the asset images.
The tower is to be placed on water. With Anarchy Mod it can be placed anywhere. To get the best results, Terraform Mods are recommended to better control the deck height.
In-game Properties
Type: Park (located in park menu)
Cost: 250,000
Maintenance: 50/week
Tris & LOD: See asset images.
Dependency: NONE except AFTER DARK DLC for night lighting effect.
This is a new version of Aonie Bridge. The original one failed due to unknown reason. After a week of attempted repair, the old version simply won’t work. This version is a re-upload of the previous Aonei Bridge. I do apologize for any inconvinence caused for those who downloaded the old version.
Please do inform me if you encounter any problem. Thanks!