Night light mod + cycle
I have no longer time to update the mod. Feel free to continue on my work.
The code can be found here:
Have look at NightLiveStreetLightsMod from informmanuel
Know bugs:
– When the mod is started the frame rate drops because all street lights are added.
– Sometimes light flicker because of max number of lights
– Not tested with other mods
– Two-lane street are supported only for street lights
– The mod has a optimize function fixed at 1080p:Higher resolutions results in no lights at frame edge, Lower resolutions will result in performance drop.
needs Moving Sun from rmbackslash
Update 5/5
– Performance improment
If you experience performance issus please report the follow: resolution, CPU, GPU, VRAM use, RAM use, GPU use, CPU use(use gpu-z) also city size and of course fps. So I can find out were the problems are.
Please report problems here: