Teyland -Z-
Teyland is my attempt to create a good looking island map. It is completely handcrafted without the use of a heightmap. Nine of the 25 tiles are just water, but they serve to create some space between the islands so that the region doesn’t look too square. I tried too give the other available tiles a strategic value and a unique appearance. The map is centered around one large island, with two medium sized islands nearby. There are also several little islands along the coast. The middle tile on the large island features a mountain, which provides a scenic view of all the surrounding lands. The islands and the coast are very hilly and have plenty of cliffs. There is a small part of mainland available, that holds a large bridge, an interesection and some farmland.
There is one railway that circles around the mountain on the large island. There are two outside highway connections that merge on the small piece of mainland in the playing area. I tried to make ship routes available everywhere, though some locations aren’t suited for ports. The bridge to the mainland is high enough to prevent any clipping by ships. It might proove a little difficult to find a good spot for an airport, but it shouldn’t be impossible.
There is a waterfall and a small mountainous lake on the large island that creates three seperate streams, two of which split and one passes through a little lake. Their current should be strong enough for you to place pumps without draining them, but I advice you to try to spread any pumps out a bit or use one of the two lakes.
There are large strips of ore around the mountains and oil can be found along the many plots of farmland. There are lots of forest and trees. The valley just next to the starting tile has a lot of fertile farmland.
The map is named after the old Dutch spelling of “the island”: ‘t Eyland. Have fun!
Typical Dutch Landscapes
Drebbeldam (European)
Kruyswick (European)
Baardmans Bay
Ambrose Island (European)
Isla de Ambrosia
Great Flutland
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