American Freight Train (Combined mods)
Edit: Also, with this train, advanced vehicle options lets you change the color of the random box cars as well as the engine! Link is below, it is compatible with a lot if you don’t have it already!!
Advanced Vehicle options link:
This train has the exact same stats as the default in game cargo train. I put these mods together because I don’t particularly like the default cargo train in game, I actually have it disabled and only use this train in my save file using advanced vehicle options.
Max speed: 24
Cargo Capacity: 15
I combined two great mods together to create this train because I just love trains so much. Please give credit where credit is due on these models. I have provided the links below.
MODS included in this item:
!!!These mods are NOT required for this one to work!!!
I’m just posting them because they are the original publishers of their individual items, they have some other cool stuff as well. Check em out
FLX Cargo Train
link to Flixo’s page:
US Cargo Train mod
link to Accessviolation’s page: