Larger Footprints (Snowfall)
THIS MOD IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED. PLEASE DON’T USE IT FOR NEW BUILDINGS!Instead of that, use the new Sub Buildings Enabler. It can be used to create even bigger buildings, it does not cause collision errors, and the mod can be disabled at any time without causing asset errors.
Use and create larger ploppable assets.
This is an experimental mod!
This mod allows you to create and use assets with a maximum size of 32×32 units (256×256 meters).
This mod is required if you want to use workshop assets with a size larger than 16×8. Just subscribe to the assets and this mod, and it should work!
Simply subscribe to the mod. The size drop down menu in the asset editor will allow you to select the new footprint sizes.
I recommend you use a maximum size of 16×16 because I didn’t notice any bugs for that size so far.
Also, don’t forget to add this mod as a dependency when you publish your asset!
The collision detection does not handle large plots very well: You can place assets on top of existing assets (only near the borders).
Also related to that: Existing trees will not disappear when you place a large asset (only happens near the asset borders).
The ground texture (concrete, farmland) near the border of large assets disappears when you place roads or other assets near it.
The oversized assets will disappear when you load a saved city. But you can continue playing.
It will not break your save files.