Sunshine’s Super Mall by BumpaNiggl (tested, working, ploppable, appreciates feedback and votes)
Sunshine’s Super Mall by BumpaNiggll (tested, working, ploppable, appreciates feedback and votes)
Tribute to a beautiful person. :]
A pretty huge shopping mall with tinted windows, not only for the situated ladies out there but also everyone that just wants to hang out and have an icecream, a coffee and chat with their friends. The building holds a few makeovers of companies like Taco Bell, Ben and Jerry’s (a Drive-In), UPS and some of my own creations, like my Burger Box or Sunshine’s Shopping Heaven. The building is decorated with ads; for example one for my custom made Medical Marijuana Lounge or Highway Rest Stop and other stuff I’ve created.
Double checked and placed ingame to make sure it works; and it does. ?
Description: This is a monument (Level 1) since for some reason I wasn’t able to place the building in a park, save and display it. The properties have been changed; several settings have been modified to make this more worth placing ingame; the road can be removed. The object is a bit tricky to place but I believe everybody should be capable of placing it the way they want without going too much out of their way. :]
Includes hangout zones for pedestrians.
Parking mark placed in front of the Ben and Erry’s ordering counter.
No smoke or steam.
Construction Cost: 50000
Fire Hazard: 1
Fire Tolerance: 20
Gaabage Accumulation: 8
Maintenance Cost: 500
Electricity Consumption: 50
High Wealth Tourists 500
Low Wealth Tourists 1000
Medium Wealth Tourists 750
Sewage Accumulation 20
Water Consumption 20
Educated Workers 50
Highly Educated Workers 10
Uneducated Workers 100
Well Educated Workers 75
Attractiveness Accumulation 9
Entertainment Accumulation 90
Entertainment Radius 4500
Monument Level 1
Noise Accumulation 30
Noise Radius 10
Ground Offset 0
First Height 3.1
Other Height 3
Floor Count 900.1
The object has all maps, including an illumination map, which is kept pretty weak though to not interfere with other buildings around it not being lightened up at all.
I am everything else than a pro and am doing this because I like sharing my ideas, in the hope someone might also enjoy them, so don’t expect this to be the poonz. ;]
If you are interested in my asset collection then please go here:
Also you might wanna look at this; a custom created map:
Feel free to vote this up.
Enjoy. =]