台鐵莒光號列車 Taiwan Chu-Kuang Passenger Train
This is a Chu-Kuang express train from Taiwan, in service since the 1970s
The engine is a the E300 series (E300型電力車), first produced in 1978. The cars are the 10200 series (10200型莒光號客車), introduced in 1985. Both are still in use today as part of the Chu-Kuang (莒光) express service.
The default colour is orange, but this will change based on the colour of your line. There are currently 5 passenger cars, which isn’t many, but they’re longer (20m) so it becomes a problem for most station assets if I add any more. Each car currently carries 32 people.
Please use the Advanced Vehicle Options or Improved Public Transport mods to get an engine at the back.