Mediterranean Theme
This is my Mediterranean Theme
This Theme adds custom Textures for a southeuropean (Spain) look to the game. Walkways also have a new Texture.
The days and nights are really warm. Days can get really hot and rain/fog is rare.
You can use this Theme for European Maps. It works really well on all Vannila Maps.
Try my Las Stradas Coast-Map which I used for the Screenshots:
This Disaster-Version is with a big Monsterwave at the second day:
Daytime: 21 – 39 C° I Nighttime: 12 – 21 C° I Rain: 16 – 21 C° I Fog: 5 – 15 C°
Hi. There was an bug that this Theme was not showed for the Mapeditor. Its now solved.
Hi. Moon looks better now. Dawn and Dusk too.