Golden Hills (Provo, Utah)
An extremely mountainous region with a few flat areas and beaches.
This could be a challenging area, or a great area for building small villages and ports along the large lake area.
The height map I took from Provo, Utah and Utah Lake for reference. However, the water level is slightly higher than in reality and highway connections do not reflect real life highways either.
I recommend 81 Tiles because it will be essential for building on as much flat as area as possible.
All trees on this map are addons and I also recommend subscribing to them. Here are the links to the 3 tree types I used:
Conifer Tall:
Shady Tree Left:
In the screenshots I used Realistic Sunlight LUT, but it can look extremely bright with some map themes so I’ll provide the links to that and the Clarity color correction LUT I really like:
Realistic Sunlight:
In the screenshots I used Tura Coast map theme. It is my favorite, but my second favorite is called Outback with redder rocks. I’ll provide the link to both:
Tura Coast:
Enjoy and thanks for checking out my first workshop submission, and thanks to all the modders that are in the links for their great work!