SimCity 3000 Microwave Power Plant
A SC3000 Microwave Power Plant homage. Completely rebuilt and reimagined; supported by Andreas and Stoloss’ interpretation of the SC2000’s BAT for the German SFBTers at!
Grid size: 12×12
Cost: 200.000
Maintenance: 8.000 / week
Provides: 640 MW
Needs: 1920 m3 / week of water and waste
All traits are similar to the Nuclear Powerplant but without the radiation danger of course ?
In case you have any screenshots, please send them to me! I’d love some more variation in the slideshow! ?
EDIT: at the request of Steamuser Wintermote; a more realistic approach to this facility:
(I’d recommend getting both. They’re different enough to count as separate energy providers… but of course, I would say that.)