Timboh’s Semi-Directional B-Trumpet Interchange
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More trumpets, Timboh? Do we really need more of these things? I’d say we do indeed need more of them. See, the semi-directional variant of the trumpet actually adds quite alot of functionality to the interchange. By widening and re-configuring some ramps layouts, two of the ramps actually gets priority over the other, improving traffic flow where traffic is heavier S <–> W, and lighter N <–> W. This design is pretty rare, though, but seem to be fairly common in The Netherlands.
+ Changed ramp layout improves traffic flow for two of the ramps
+ Still fairly easy to plop down, since there’s only two bridges on the first level
– Changed ramp layout reduces capacity on the loop ramp
– Larger than the original trumpet
Cost: 24 880
Upkeep: 315 / week
In-game description: When traffic mainly flows in a specific direction, the Semi-Directional Trumpet is the remedy you’ll need!
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