TOD_US_C_Curb_Yellow_Road by templeofdoom
Decorative road prop for adding some more features to your networks and roadways. Can also be used to detail & embellish industrial areas and more. This is known in North America as “C-Curbs” and are used as a road channel/lane delineation marking.
This asset has 124 tri’s and uses x256 maps for diffuse and specular. Game generated LOD if that even counts for props (not sure if LODs get generated for props anyway).
A few mods are basically required to plop these props properly, including and most importantly Prop Line Tool. Ensure that the angle is set to 90 degrees to make straight lines on line/angle/curve mode.
More Beautification (to allow access to plopping props in game) – BloodyPenguin
Prop Precision – SamSamTS
Prop & Tree Anarchy – BloodyPenguin[http]
Prop Line Tool – Alterran