Pier 15 Flea Market
Pier 15 is a renovated old freight station pier can hold a flea market attracts only citizens and tourists who enjoy bargains and oddity.
I really wanted an industriial looking pier for my city and here it is! It started with an attempt to create a functining freight harbour but it seems to require a lot of modding etc. So I ended up with putting a renovation excuse story to have it in my city without all the trouble.
Asset Info:
Ploppable – 8×16 – Park (Tourism & Leisure) Building
MODEL – 2,245 triangle with 2048×512 textures (d,c,i,n,s)
LOD – 276 triangles with 512×128 textures (d,c,i,s)
Consturction Cost : 50,000
Maintenace Cost : 800/week
Water Consumption : 480m³/week
Electricity : 560 KW
Visitor Capacity : 200
Entertainment Accumulation : 50
Entertainment Raidus : 600
Note: I highly recommend to build a quay and road first before placing the pier. I “had” an issue that the pier didn’t recognize a road if I put a road after.