Proper Hardness
Do not use with extended building information, this mod already includes that.
Detailed Changes:
Added config options.
Added a wealth counter to residential buildings, every time a worker leaves for work or to shop it goes down, when the worker succeeds in reaching their destination it goes up. Your tax rate affects the amount it goes up by. Needs to pass a threshhold to level up the building, and the building will get abandoned if it gets too low (will show low land value problem).
Income is dependant on the cims working (unemployed cims make no money, that includes those in school). Income is based on cim’s happinness, education, commute time, and health. If you’re struggling to balance your budget, build some parks and bus routes!
Added commute wait time. This is not the distance cims have to travel but the time they spend waiting (at bus/train stops or in traffic).
Click on any residential building to see the wealth level. It will show the (current wealth level) / (wealth level needed to level up)
Made it much more likely for fire to spread.
Added flooding disaster.
New window when you click on buildings to tell you exactly what a building needs to level.
Trains now have greatly increased capacity.
Low denstiy zoning buffed.
Industry produces much more pollution.
Made it much harder for traffic to despawn.
Made it much harder for Cims taking public transport to despawn.
Tripled the number of residents who travel to offices.
25% progression milestone cash reward.
Increased construction costs (especially highways, subways, and wonders).
Increased maintenance costs by 40%.
Greatly increased unlock price and allow 25 tiles.
Increased starting funds by 30k.
Increased tax rate effect on happiness.
Workers were less likely to want to go to work when a lot of cars were out, removed this.
Cims live a little longer (more seniors in your city), this should also have the benefit of having less spiky death spikes.