Airplane Line Tool 1.2
Allows to create airplane lines around city. Recommended for 81 tiles users.
In case of “Path not found” error, check if you have plane routes around the airport. Take a look at the video to know better how the airport routes works. This mod appears at 10:00. (It’s in portuguese, I didn’t had time to legend it in English yet)
Transport Lines Manager will add tools to manage the plane lines with accuracy in the version 5.1.
Use the More Network Stuff to add more routes in your cities
Needs game restart after turn the mod on.
– Added the code improvements suggested by DontCryJustDie. Thank you guy!
– Now the planes uses the line colors instead the model color options (like built-in transport lines vehicles).
WARNING: The International Airport of After Dark is causing some issues on line creation. Avoid use them.
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