Alstom Citadis 302 (TTC)
Asset based on AleX_BY’s Citadis 302.
In the excitement of new streetcars being added to the Toronto LRT system, this asset was uploaded. The version of this TTC LRT was captured after randomly discovering an article published in the Toronto Star.[www.thestar.com] However, the contract has since been given to Bombardier who does not have in production this tram which is a member of the Citadis LRT. Metrolinx currently has a similar tram on their website[www.metrolinx.com] with Bombardier’s name which closely resembles this asset. In short, we have no idea if such a tram will grace the roads of Toronto and the GTA, but she looks awesome nonetheless.
Subscribe and Enjoy.
Credit for conception and commission goes to BrowncoatTrekky. Credit goes to DanDeKalb for creation and implementation for Cities Skylines. Please reference DanDeKalb if further adaptations are to be made to this asset only. Please note that in keeping with the Toronto TTC theme, the ability to change the colour of this tram has been disabled.