Altenburg station
Watch the YouTube video for further informations of the asset and how to place it!
Station building and modular platforms of the Altenburg station in Thuringia, a state of Germany.
First and middle platform are separate to the station building. The first platform has to be connected directly to the building. The middle platform can be placed near the building without a road connection.
Be aware of the fact that the distance between station and middle platform or middle platform and middle platform shouldn’t be greater than about 4 to 5 units.
ingame data: (station building)
footprint: 16×4
construction costs: 56,250
maintenance consts: 1200
workers: 12/18/24/6
technical data:
Tags: Bahnhof station Altenburg Deutschland Germany Thüringen Thuringia Europe Europa european europäisch suburban Vorstadt small town Kleinstadt