American Foursquare House

Cities: Skylines Mods |

American Foursquare House

Hello mayors! It’s been a rather long time since the Americana Collection had a new home, hasn’t it?

Well, this is a Foursquare home, also known as a Prairie Box. I had made a Prairie Box house a year ago, but the more I looked at it, the less satisfied I became with it. So I made this. I used a different scale in 3D Studio Max, so it may or may not match in size with my older houses.

But that’s okay, because I’m planning on redoing most of them, and adding some new ones! If I don’t run out of energy.
(Have I ever mentioned my dislike of UVW mapping? Or making LODs?)

More on the architectural style:

Foursquare homes are rather boxy homes that were meant to maximize the utilization of square city lots. Initially part of the Craftsman movement, which rejected mass-produced items in favor of handcrafted ones (often made of wood); these homes would become so popular that, ironically, they became available as mass-built catalog homes. They were so popular that entire neighborhoods could consist of them.

If there are any problems with the asset, please inform me!

Level 2 Residential
3×4 Lot Size
772 Polygons
848 Vertices
1024×1024 Textures
Computer-Generated LOD*

Contains two lot variations.

*For an odd reason, I hate making LODs. However, if you are bothered by the lack of one and I have not released an asset in a while, you can politely ask that I create one. Depending on life, I just might.

False Lucidity
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Useful Information:
- Cities: Skylines 2 Mods
- About Cities: Skyline Game
- How to Install Cities: Skylines Mods

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