American RoadSigns v2.0.0
American RoadSigns is a both stripped-down and enhanced version of hyperdrive_engaged’s original American Roads, which is no longer supported, and unfortunately causes some issues for some players.
The good news is that recently an American Roads texture pack for Roads United was released, with (almost) full Network Extensions, the bad news was that Roads United focuses primarily on the road texturing part. That means that the lovely Americanized road signs that were part of American Roads were no longer present.And that’s how this mod came to be: I stripped the code of American Roads of everything that was road texture-related, and thus American Roads became American RoadSigns. Later, I made the functionality available in-game and added new features such as options to change the visibility of various road-side props such as info terminals, electricity boxes and fire hydrants. This means the name “American Roadsigns” is no longer 100% accurate (the mod does more than its name promises), but I decided to stick with it to avoid confusion.
This mod is incompatible with the original American Roads mod.
Other than that I haven’t noticed any incompatibilities: if you do, please report them so I can take a look.
It can’t be stressed enough that full credit goes out to hyperdrive_engage, who unfortunately no longer seems to be creating content for Cities: Skylines. He is the one wrote the source code and created the props – without his pioneer work this mod would never have existed: I merely stripped all unnecessary code, optimized a few bits here and there, added a number of additional features, and included some additional debug functionality.
Source: Github[github.com]
May 6th, 2017 – v2.0.0
Feature Update 2.0.0 is a complete overhaul of the mod:
– all options are now available in-game, and can be accessed through a brandnew mod UI;
– all options except preferred keyboard shortcut and enabling debug output are no longer available in the options window;
– all features are now applied in real-time, instead of when your city loads. This means you can change as much as you want, and immedeately see the result in-game;
– compatibility with European maps has been restored;
– various minor bugfixes, tweaks and improvements.March 16th, 2017 – v1.1.2
Update 1.1.2 disabled sign replacement for European maps (causing inexplicable errors).December 5th, 2016 – v1.1.1
Update 1.1.1 disabled this mod for all editors (only available in-game).Full update history
– Change log