Angel Falls
*UPDATE: Improved starting tile highway connection and improved rivers for water/sewer functionality.
This map is based on the “tepuis” (mesas) of Venezuela (courtesy of ASTER data from terrain.party). Angel Falls is the world’s highest uninterrupted waterfall. I got the idea from the movie “Up!” whose setting (Paradise Falls) is loosely based on this area of the world. I ran the topography through Wilbur to maximize playable area and simulate erosion/rivers (thanks to Mr. Miyagi’s guide! ). Besides the tepuis, the central features of the map include multiple waterfalls that come out of a rainforest/cloud forest. I placed bunches of trees to create a hanging garden feel to it. I have nice beaches where the rivers converge.
– Tropical theme.
– All connections
– All resources.
– Starting tile is in the center, and LOTS of flat area to play on.
– Challenge: Can you get up to the highest mesa to the cloud forest?
Notes: I used the texture replacer mod (thanks RoboAsimov) and the navajo cliff texture (thanks ZapWizard) for the cliffs in the screenshots, as well as the sun shafts mod . These aren’t requirements to use the map but I’d recommend them!