Arabian Nights: Jebel Shams
Travel with me to the majestic, magical Jebel Shams, Oman’s “Mountain of the Sun”, and experience the glory of its changing colors across the day and night, almost every hour the colors changing from one hue to another. So it is in our simulated Jebel Shams map, as in real life.
Look for the glowing sand ripples in the moonlight by zooming in close at night. ?
If you liked the terrain of Madagascar: Nosy Be, namely terraces hidden by natural hillsides, the many little beaches and endless waterfront property of New Caledonia, a large preformed harbor (no mods necessary!) like in Ramberg’s map, then you might like this one where I put them all into one, and tried some new things as well.
* THREE hydro dam locations, two cannot possibly ever cause flooding of your city (guide image coming soon) the third has a small risk but only to a secluded portion.
* Arabesque Geometric Design oasis/canal/lake to make a high land-value central tourist district or super tall skyscraper district (includes two water spawns to control water level).
* Extensive harbor land preconstructed with attractive sharp edges – connected shipping and containing heavy oil resources so you can combineindustrial/Harbor area for a great look
* Second Oasis, natural style, near starting area, also with water spawn
* Strong wind power is everywhere
* Same type of topography style as the New Caledonia map (it’s another part of the same mountain range in Oman). In real life, Jebel Shams is not near the ocean, but here we brought the ocean to the mountain. the terrain is also highly edited for attractiveness and gameplay