Arrowhead Valley (Official Map Theme)
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Arrowhead Valley is a theme designed specifically for the creation of “Arrowhead Junction”, a collaboration project between myself, Strictoaster, and Freshpopcorn. This map theme is made up entirely of custom textures that follow a desert/arid theme.
Arrowhead Valley Custom Map:
Arrowhead Junction Collection:
Things to Note: This map theme is designed to be used with the “Clarity” LUT. This map theme also has custom natural resource textures that function primarily as a way to add variety to the texture of the ground. When designing large flat areas of desert, I encourage you to play around with these natural resource textures to break the monotony of the standard “grass” texture. The “Fertile Land” texture is a greener “grass” texture that works well in areas with high vegitation. Finally, this map theme is designed to be used with our custom map “Arrowhead Valley”, so while it works well with most any desert themed map, I highly recomend you chack out the map we designed this theme for as well as our mod collection!
What is Arrowhead Junction?
Arrowhead Junction is a Cities: Skylines collaboration project that aims to bring a new type of series to the city building community. The series features a totally custom map and map theme featuring 100% unique textures and a hand-picked selection of assets and mods from the Steam Workshop, which complement the style of city that is being built. Each player has total control over their respective episodes, but the final outcome is the sum of all three builders efforts. While the basic plans for the region are in place, the endeavor will be completely inspired by each individual’s creation per their episodes. We certainly hope you share our enthusiasm for this project!
YouTube Playlist:
Fluxtrance –
Freshpopcorn –
Strictoaster –