Avenue Road Station (Underground Rail Station)
Based off the current renderings for the future Eglinton Crosstown station at Avenue Road in Toronto. Pleas be aware THIS IS AN UNDERGROUND RAIL STATION, NOT A METRO STATION!
This station is perfect for your large cities and fits both full sized trains and LRT sized trains. To ensure that this station fits into your city I have opted to replace any of the Eglinton Crosstown icons with generic transit icons so as to no conflict with your city.
To use this asset you will need 2 other files (Both items can be found in the required items list):
ECPost which is a custom sign prop made by me for the station (based off of its future real life counterpart).
Extra Train Station Tacks (ETST) Mod which enables the use of underground and elevated stations.
The station is referred to as EC Station 1 in the game files if you have trouble finding it in the menus.
Cost to build: $35,000
Upkeep: $650
Size: 4×4