Berlin S-Bahn ET/EB 165 (4 car)
DRG Class ET/ES 165 (DR 275, DB 475) EMU of the Berlin S-Bahn.
The asset resembles a late version of the “Stadtbahn” type featuring
- modernised, separated DR-style lights,
- line color coding (panel behind wind screen)
- trailer cars created by conversion of the orginally delivered control cars
With illumation map and headlights for after dark. Driver cabin stays dark. The line indication panel changes color according to the train’s line.
Speed: 80 km/h
Capacity: 500 (2x 115 seats + 2x 135 standing)
Operating era: 1928-1997
Quads: 600
Plans for the near future include real trailer cars (as opposed to trailers gained from conversion of control cars) and cars in original livery (blue/beige/red). Long-term plans include “Oranienburg”[de.wikipedia.org] and “Olympia”/”Bankier”[de.wikipedia.org] types as well as DR modernisations and present-time classes (485[en.wikipedia.org], 480[en.wikipedia.org]).
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Related assets:
ET/ES 165 “Passviertel” (2 car)
ET/ES 165 (2 car)
ET/EB 165 (4 car)
ET/EB 165 (6 car)
ET/EB 165 (8 car)
All bundled in the Berlin S-Bahn collection.
Also see my Hamburg S-Bahn collection.