Berlin TV tower (gray sphere)
After Dark – UPDATE
Berlin TV tower (gray sphere) by Tobse
The Berlin TV tower or “Berliner Fernsehturm” is a television tower in central Berlin, Germany.
The TV Tower is easily visible throughout the central and some suburban districts of Berlin.
With its height of 368 meters, it is the tallest structure and a very famous landmark in Germany.
Origin country: Germany, Berlin
-After Dark – UPDATE, view changes in the change note tab
-UPDATE-1, view changes in the change note tab
-Dark gray sphere variety
-Check out another variety of the Berlin TV tower Mod,
#Landmark stats
Construction cost: 185’000
Maintenace cost: 2’368 asset editor (in game: 379)
Fire hazard: 1
Fire Tolerance: 20
Garbage accumulation: 8
Electricity: 40
Tourists High/Low/Medium: 100/200/150
Workers Educated/Highly/Uneducated/Well: 16/2/32/18
Sewage water: 15
Clean water: 15
Attractiveness: 15
Entertainment: 125
Entertainment Radius: 1’500
Noise: 25
Noise Radius: 25
Monument level: 4
#Tech stats
4’024 tris = LOD 1
746 tris = LOD 2
2048×2048 px = Textures (Diffuse, Alpha, Normal, Specular, Illumination)
512×512 px = LOD textures
Mod powered by Tobse
Previous mod versions, additional information at www.tobs-design.de/mods-by-tobse/