Bijoux Jewellers
Bijoux Jewellers by dazflint
Another European-style wall-to-wall commercial building (level 1, size 1×1 to 1×4).
Bijoux Jewellers supply bespoke costume jewellery, cut diamonds and wedding rings to the more discerning customers in your city. Established for more than 200 years, they now have outlets in several locations around town. You can recognise them by their distinctive maroon-and-gold livery.
This is the first variation of my colourful, ‘Patisserie Nos Macarons’. One of the very first custom Euro-set commercial buildings on Steam… ?
I now have a collection of five different w2w Euro commercial buildings:
There’s the Patisserie, Jewellers’, English Tea Rooms, Florists and Chocolatier. Grab the collection today! ?