[BIO BUS] 2018 NewFlyer XE60
I’m staying one step ahead of NewFlyer by unveiling the XE60, an electric version of the popular articulated bus. Although NewFlyer does not yet offer this vehicle for sale, you can convert your XD60 with the help of bus customization engineers.
This vehicle acts as a biofuel bus, thus green cities is required. The XD60 does not require green cities and is the exact same, minus the charge logo. Also, the template for biofuel bus is bugged, the file size is not supposed to be this big.
6383 Tris
1024 x 1024 Texture
Trim: Low Floor 60′ Bus
Model is derived from outstanding gamer’s version. Fixed trailer mapping, added covering to the rear of front trailer. Changed illumination, remapped a few bits to allow for glow in the dark sign.
Released with permission from original author.
Stats are the same as the default biofuel bus.