BMW Isetta 600 (the Urkel car)
Many may recognize this vehicle as the BMW Isetta 600. Many more (we hope) will recognize this vehicle as none other than the Urkel Mobile. So, get in Urkel Overdrive, and hang on to those boxers [Carl] because we’re off! Presenting, this version of the BMW Isetta 600; an Italian-designed microcar built all over Europe.
The BMW Isetta was briefly built in the 1960s, and has only recently been resurrected as an electric car in concept only by a Swiss entrepreneur named Wim Ouoter according to a wiki page This BMW Isetta 600 was first featured in Family Matters Season 4’s ‘Driving Carl Crazy.’ According to Carl Winslow it sounds like a Gerbil, but she’s a sweet ride.
“Today I’m a nerd they can’t catch on foot.” – Steven Quincy Urkel
Credit for conception and commission goes to BrowncoatTrekky. Credit goes to Giovanni E for creation and implementation for Cities Skylines. Please reference Giovanni E if further adaptations are to be made.