Bombardier TWINDEXX Vario: Reimont CityLink (Prop Pack)
Reimont CityLink – Prop Pack
* Control Car
* Passenger Car
In 2008 Bombardier presented the “Dosto 2010” future family of double-deck trains for the German market. For international sales they were branded as Bombardier TWINDEXX with a “Vario” concept that allows these trains to be built for regional or intercity connections up to 160 km/h. The high-speed rail versions are named Bombardier TWINDEXX Express allowing up to 230 km/h. A tilting variant of the Twindexx is developed for the Swiss railway named Bombardier TWINDEXX Swiss Express. Orders have been placed in the range of a few hundred coaches of the different variants with their initial delivery expected to be during 2015.
Part of Bombardier TWINDEXX train sets
- Line Colored
- 2048^2 Textures
- Custom LOD