Boreal Bay
Boreal Bay, where glacial springs flow out into the northern sea. A pristine wilderness with wildlife and evergreen forests set before a backdrop of snow-covered mountains. Will you build small and eke out a settlement in harmony with nature? Or will you carve up the landscape to get at its bountiful natural resources?
What’s a city without snow-capped mountains off in the distance? This is my first go at C:S’ map editor. The height-map is based off the Hawaiian island of Kauai, edited to play nice with water physics. To achieve the snow texture, I used hyperdrive_engage’s Terrain Texture Replacer Mod. You could play this map without it, but why?
Terrain Texture Replacer by hyperdrive_engage
All Spaces Unlockable by S. Klyte
1) Subscribe to hyperdrive_engage’s Terrain Texture Replacer Mod.
2) Enable it in-game in your content manager (found in the main menu).
3) Download this[c1.staticflickr.com] image and save it as sand_texture.png
4) Place sand_texture.png in the folder C:UsersYOUR NAME HEREAppDataLocalColossal OrderCities_SkylinesAddonsModsTerrainTextureReplacer NOTE that you might have to create this folder yourself if it doesn’t already exist.
5) Start a new game with the map!
If you want to go back to the default sand texture, just rename the snow texture anything else or delete it.
– All resources are represented on the map in pretty logical locations. Fertile land along the rivers, ore in the hills, oil along the coast.
– Road, rail, sea, and air connections are available.
– Currently working on an update to this map! Water issues will be fixed, more outside connections will be added, and every tree will recieve plastic surgery. (As of July 3rd, 2015)
– If you need any help at all getting this to work, please post, I’m happy to help you get it working. :]