Brooklynn building (2×4 growable office corner)
Please leave a vote if you download! This is a 2×4 growable office corner.
About the model
The original of this building was made by Adel. You can find it here:
This building was quite an oldie and needed some stuff. Partially redid the texturemap, added a color and illuminationmap and added a customlod. I also placed the building on a 2×4 lot instead of the 4×4 lot.
You can use this as a filler building, it’s meant not to stand out.
This model has about 1500 tris and a 1024×1024 texture, with a diffuse, shadow, normal, illumination, color and specularmap.This model has a custom LoD, which is about 20 tris with a 256×128 texture, with a diffuse, color and illumination map.