Building Theme: Residential (Low) UK Terrace #2 (L1-5)
This is a low residential UK terraced house theme.
This theme covers one type of low residential house based on my previously uploaded Brick Terraced House asset.
Please subscribe to all assets in my ‘Residential (low) – UK Terrace #2 (Level 1 -5)’ for this theme to work.
It includes a variety of plot sizes including 1×2, 2×2, 3×2 and 4×2 plus a 2×2 corner. I have restricted the plot depth to 2 for visual consistency and to allow each zoned area to develop in a similar way.
Each asset size has versions from level 1 to 5 to allow the district to level up and still remain as one house type. This is something which is perculiar to terraced areas and will help to make the residential areas more realistic.
I suggest that the smallest zone size should be a 4×4 square as smaller areas seem to spawn corner assets anywhere (not sure why this happens), and these areas don’t look realistic.
I haven’t used the prop variabilty option as I find it far too difficult to use when creating so many house variations. However, each asset has a variety of props used for the gardens allowing for a good variety when they spawn. In addition, each level has (or can have) different gardens which will add to the variety.
Most assets don’t use colour variation as that is built into the sets of houses. Variation is set into the 1×2 single assets to alter the door colour.
Each asset has an lod which includes specularity and illumination.
Subscribe to all of the props in my ‘Macwelshman’s Asset Props’ collection for the gardens to work properly.
Why not subscribe to my related theme ‘Building Theme: Residential (Low) UK Terrace #1 (L1-5)’
and mix the two for more variety.
I will eventually create further themes for my other terraced, semi-detached and detached house assets. As I add more assets to each house type I will create additional themes that allow levelling up from one asset to another.
Eventually I see each theme working together to create more dynamic and controlled districts.
Please try this theme out and let me know how it works for you. If there are any problems let me know in the comments below.
To use this theme you must subscribe to the ‘Building Themes Per District’ mod
To enjoy, and control, this theme I recommend these mods.
European Buildings Unlocker
Building eyedropper tool