Building Theme: Stockholm Larger Row Houses
***Updated: windows now light up at night!***
Adds a Swedish building theme consisting of slightly larger row/terraced and link-detached houses, to be used in conjunction with boformer’s Building Themes mod.
Please note that this mod does not include neither the buildings nor the Building Themes mod. All these must be downloaded separately, and are all listed over there, to the right >>> Make sure you download at least one building for each wealth level, or there will be growth problems. Also note that this theme only includes low density residential buildings for lots size 2×2/3/4. No other type of buildings will grow in a district (or city!) where this is the *only* active theme (but why use only one?).
For more information please head over to the Building Themes mod page:
For your smaller lots there’s the Stockholm Row Houses building theme, here:
All my Swedish row houses, small and slightly larger, in one collection: